Hosting, or in this case web hosting is the capability to store formatted documents (usually in HTML) and transmit the document information to a user’s computer to be displayed (in most all...
Name Servers, or sometimes used as nameservers is a web hosting term for a human language of IP addresses pointing at a domain or a particular host. Typically, you will have 2 name servers so if one...
The .htaccess is a hidden file usually kept in the root directory of a web application that stores information and provides more control over the web hosting server. Some server applications can be...
The CTR or click through rate comes from your analytics, such as Google Analytics, and is a formula to determine the ratio of the number of visitors to your website to the number of visitors who...
A dedicated server is a server that usually offers total control. You can install any software, reboot the system, shutdown, and install and manage plugins. As with all hosting options, you have two...
A virtual private server(VPS) is usually built as a container on a dedicated server. The functions of a VPS work the same way as a private dedicated server. The best analogy to understand the VPS is...
What is a Text Editor?
A text editor is a way to add text to websites. It’s very often used by Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal. A Text editor works similar to a standard word-processor....
Bandwidth is the amount of data that can travel through one give point in an increment of time (usually seconds). The bandwidth is most commonly mistaken for the speed in which data travels, but all...
DNS also known as a Domain Name System is a computer that is used with networks (including the internet) to look up domain names (website names) and respond by sending the corresponding IP back to...
WordPress is a website framework or often called a content management system. WordPress has an area to login and you can modify (edit) information on a website through a what you see is what you get...
PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor (it does not look like it, but that is what PHP stands for) is a programming language. One major difference between PHP and HTML is that HTML code is transmitted from...
Web Design or Website Design is the action of coding in HTML, PHP, or Javascript to format information in a way that is usable and pleasing to the eye. Most web designers have special training that...